Contact Bajoron Bouvier des Flandres
Contact us :

You may email us at:

or call and leave a message:

Please do not simply ask. . . "How much do your dogs cost?"This question while an important to budget for the puppy cost, Also is contingent on the fact that Bajoron has many services in place that make our dogs seem premium when you are merely recieving services that should be offered for you to get a dog that will not cost you more money once you bring it home. We do not want to list these items and make you have to sift through that data. We would love to talk to you and answer your questions and if you write us we can set this up.

YOU can find us on facebook but we do not like to talk specifics about a puppy as it is a social media site and not very professional.

Comparing pricing is like comparing apples to oranges or a Yugo to a nice mid sized quality vehicle, a tear drop Trailer to a 22 x 10 Winnebago. . .In short NO comparisons. The cheap dogs are cheap for a reason and once you have purchased cheap, the reason will not eclispse your mistake. (Please note some breeders who should sell cheap put a price tag of 2000 to 4000 on a dog to make you believe they are of higher quality BEWARE)

The last person we know of that went with the lower price point and got puppy fever rather than wait for a quality well bred puppy had buyers remorse and . . . .I would love to give you the name and phone number of the woman who just did this in 2023, her reaction was to drive to the breeders home and leave the dog on her doorstep with tears flowing down her cheeks. We want you to be happy, YOU should too!

We can't wait to hear from you and look forward to working with you in getting your next "best friend"